Satura Cakes
Now available at Ward Centre!
Below is a small sampling of some of my favorite treats from Satura Cakes.
(green tea corone)
The green tea corone uses puff pastry (or phyllo) to create a crisp and crunchy exterior that surrounds a subtly flavored pastry cream (also available in mango).
(chocolate gâteau )
The chocolate gâteau is rich, dense and chocolaty and is presented topped with some whipped cream and a shard of chocolate.
(Kona coffee blancmange)
If you love coffee, you'll love the Kona coffee blancmange. Take some coffee-flavored pudding (that's what I'd call it), add a few squares of coffee-flavored gelatin, then top with a dollop of whipped cream. The perfect combination of flavors makes this smooth, creamy dessert one of my favorites.
(mille crêpe)
The mille crêpe takes a stack of 15 delicate crêpes and layers them with whipped vanilla cream. Light and airy, this is what a Beard Papa cream puff in cake-like form would taste like. Can I have this flavored with green tea, please???
(salty chocolate cookies)
The salty chocolate cookies are made with Valhrona cocoa powder, Himalayan salt, macadamia nuts (I'll have to ask again) and organic sugar. Taking a bite of these cookies, you first taste the bittersweet chocolate. As the cookie starts to dissolve in your mouth, the flavors of sugar and salt come through, making these the perfect cookie.
Since they opened, I must have visited about a dozen times, each time trying something new. I've had almost every dessert and have yet to be disappointed. I heard that they will be starting a limited menu for breakfast and lunch. Let's hope these offerings are just as good.
Satura Cakes
Harbor Court
55 Merchant Street Suite 110 (lobby)
Telephone: 808.537.1206
Salty chocolate cookies? Do tell!?!? Chocolate is indeed a wonder food, blends with so many things!
Posted by: Jo | January 13, 2007 at 07:01 PM
Aw man, I was working at the Blaisedell all the day and never got to stop by for the Ward grand opening! I'll have to visit before going back to school in LA :)
Posted by: Kathy | January 13, 2007 at 11:57 PM
This is my kind of post Reid!! Everything looks amazing. And salty chocolate cookies - what a great idea.
Posted by: Cathy | January 14, 2007 at 06:28 AM
OMG IS IT FINALLY OPEN NOW? I've been waiting and waiting...but the last time I went to WARD, it was not open yet. =/
I went to their website. Their food looks good. *drools*
Posted by: Yukari | January 14, 2007 at 09:59 PM
Hi Jo,
Got your email. I'll be sending a few things your way shortly! :) Hope the east is treating you well.
This was a bitter chocolate cookie that was very crisp with a few nuts mixed in. The salt (according to the folks at the bakery) is Himalayan. These cookies were just as good as the ones I got from Pierre Herme.
Hi Kathy,
Awww...don't worry, there's lots to go around. If not, I've been there enough times for you and me both (about 10 visits thus far!).
Hi Cathy,
The salt goes very well with the bitter chocoate and I find myself buying some of these EVERY SINGLE TIME. I need to learn how to make these. :)
Hi Yukari,
Yes, they have two locations open for now (Downtown and Ward) and will also be opening a shop in Waikiki.
Ward just opened on 1/13 so go and visit...let me know how you like it. I've tried almost all the desserts and like every single one that I have tried.
Posted by: Reid | January 14, 2007 at 10:56 PM
Reid, this series of pictures (especially the top one) is starting to remind me of La Tartine Gourmande.
Posted by: Nate | January 15, 2007 at 01:13 PM
Salty chocolate cookies?!
Wow, I can't wait for my next visit (hopefully, June)!
Posted by: Debbie-chan | January 15, 2007 at 03:22 PM
oooo.... Oh that DOES sound wonderful! Could you tell what kind of nuts? Or was it a mix? I dearly love bittersweet chocolate with bread, particularly the french bread I've been doing lately with olive oil. Exquisite stuff!
We will be looking for the box! Thank you so much! ::grins:: Mills has been trying to keep us in herbs and spices. Blessedly, I can get most of the noodles, shoya (Aloha brand no less!), and things like that I want. Just not the variety. And veggies are terribly blah and horribly expensive. I can hardly wait for my garden to start producing. Meanwhile, in a couple years, I'll be making hazelnut and pecan baklava from our very own nut trees! Talk about things to live for huh? ;o)
Posted by: Jo | January 15, 2007 at 07:14 PM
Green tea corone!! Oh, send me one, right now!!
Posted by: obachan | January 16, 2007 at 04:03 AM
They looks like tree trunks stacked up like that. The flavors combination is quite intriguing!
Posted by: Bao | January 16, 2007 at 02:51 PM
Grr...This place was NOT open when I was back home this Christmas! Commentary, Reid. Please!
Posted by: MBS | January 19, 2007 at 10:08 PM
Hi Nate,
Thanks for the compliment. To be compared to Bea...OMG! That means a lot.
Hi Debbie-chan,
The cookies are to die for. You really must try them.
Hi Jo,
Their website says almonds (I think), but I believe the woman at the counter told me they were macadamias.
I'll put a bag of these in the box for you to try! I'm sure you won't be sharing these with Mike or the boys!
Hi Obachan,
The green tea corone is another one of my favorites. It's rolled puff pastry with lightly flavored matcha cream in the middle. Not too sweet and really crunchy. I wish I could send you some, but I don't think they last more than a day. :(
Hi Bao,
I never thought they looked like that, but now that you mention it...they do!
Are you sure? The location at Harbor Court was even open on Christmas day (I know because I went in to the office)!
In any event, you have something to look forward to on your next visit home. By then, maybe the Waikiki location will be open as well.
Posted by: Reid | January 20, 2007 at 02:33 PM
hehehe... I do have an up in that department cause boxes have to be picked up and I can be REAL sneaky with the delivery notice!!! ;o)
Posted by: Jo | January 21, 2007 at 12:08 PM
There is a bakery in Malacca, Malaysia that sells millie crepe cakes. Aside from the normal vanilla, they even have a green-tea flavored one as well as one other flavor which escape me at this moment. If you do pay a visit to Malaysia, Malacca's definitely a place to stop by as they offer some rather unique local fare there. Some of the local delicacies include durian cendol, satay celup (it's basically sticks of fishballs/vegetables/quail's eggs/various meats that is cooked using the spicy peanut sauce that usually accompanies satay) and nyonya seafood laksa.
The bakery which sells millie crepe cakes is called Nadeje. I make sure to drop by every time I visit my girlfriend.
Posted by: meeprat | January 23, 2007 at 06:13 AM
i hadn't really been interested in satura since i'd found la palme d'or... but now i've decided i have to pay them a visit --- just for the matcha corone!!! my sister went to the ward location early one morning to pick up a cake for her boss (the chocolate gateau) --- apparently, if you go too early, you won't have much of a selection. they don't bake on the premises, so things have to be trucked over...
Posted by: renee | January 23, 2007 at 01:37 PM
Our Mom went to Satura Cakes to get us pastry since the line was too long at Ben and Jerrys.
KID D: I thought the mille crepe would be good since I like crepes but it was just so-so. Not as good as the freshly made crepes like they used to sell at the shop at McCully Shopping Center or on Sawtelle Boulevard in LA. I don't think I would eat it again.
KID T: My strawberry cake looked good but I was too tired to eat it and by the time I decided to eat it the next day, it was hard so my Grandma threw it away.
KID R: My doughnut was yuck (note from Mom - it was fried in olive oil which sounds as funky as it tasted).
MOM: The lilikoi cream puffs were to DIE. Very light and airy with a strong flavor of lilikoi. I didn't care for the regular cream puffs since the custard had a floury feel to it. The cream puffs are smaller than Beard Papa's. Also, I wanted to order a matcha drink but was told that they had run out of matcha (this was a little after 1:00 pm). The staff was very attentive, cheerful and friendly to all so I feel a little bad that we didn't care for the food.
Posted by: Kichigai Kidz | January 25, 2007 at 08:40 PM
hi reid! =)
i ended up going to satura one evening after meeting some friends for ice cream @ b&j's. you hadn't mentioned their killer sounding drink menu --- ZOKA coffee, hawaiian honey lemonade & matcha drinks?! i just popped in to take home the salty chocolate cookies & the green tea corone since i was full from the ice cream. i'll have to go back to try the drinks and some of the other baked goods. i loved the corone - the filling was good and the outside was really light (i'd expected it to be buttery like some of the ones i've previously had in japan), but it wasn't. i could probably eat a half dozen of those in one sitting! i wasn't too impressed by the cookies though --- they seem like old school icebox cookies i used to make in elementary school - kicked up a notch with the expensive ingredients... i also got a ham & cheese croissant to have for breakfast the next day. heated up in the microwave for 30 sec. & it was perfect - flaky, buttery and slightly sweet, balancing the saltiness of the ham & melted cheese. the texture was a lot better than a lot of the croissants you find in town (which are often pre-baked frozen stuff >.<)...
Posted by: renee | January 27, 2007 at 02:53 PM
Hi Meeprat,
Green tea mille crepe sounds delicious! I was going to visit Malacca the last time I was in Singapore, but decided to go to Bangkok instead. I'll definitely have to visit Malacca next time though. Durian chendol sounds great!
Hi Renee,
The matcha corone is delicious. I hope you like it! I'm interested in hearing about how you liked it.
Hi Kichigai Kidz,
Welcome! Sorry you didn't enjoy the pastries at Satura. Maybe you have some favorites elsewhere? Care to share?
Hi Renee,
I'm glad you liked the matcha corone. I was also happy to discover that the outside wasn't buttery. :)
I haven't tried any of the drinks yet, but will do so soon. Let me know if you try any that you really like!
Posted by: Reid | February 11, 2007 at 03:10 AM
I never had the time to go because I'm always so busy with school that even my weekends were swamped, but I finally got to try some pastries from Satura Cakes! ^^
My sister often comes home with delicious pastries for me (specifically Beard Papa - she's obsessed) and since she knows I'm obsessing over the new cake shop close by, she decided to stop by there as well.
The desserts were expensive so at first she just bought the mille crêpe that you described. xD; So many layers~! And today, she just bought the mango corone and the mango tiramisu. *______* It was soooo good!!!
Posted by: Yukari | March 08, 2007 at 05:04 PM