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  • Next on 'Ono Kine Grindz:

    The Wedding Cafe, Manoa

    Recently Consumed:

    Zaney's, Downtown Honolulu
    Bob's Bar-B-Que, Kalihi
    Restaurant Yamagen, Moili'ili

    Below you will find a never ending list of restaurants that I want to visit or re-visit:

    Young's Fish Market
    Alan Wong's Pineapple Room
    Cafe Sistina
    Indigo Eurasian Cuisine
    Yakiniku Toraji
    Sushi Masa
    Ono Hawaiian Foods
    Tsukuneya Robata Grill

    If you would like to give me a tip on a new restaurant that is opening up, or give me a recommendation on some of your favorite restaurants, please send an e-mail to:

    onokinegrindz (at) yahoo (dot) com

    The following posts should be completed someday (!):

    New Diner's Drive In
    Border Grill
    Penang Malaysian
    Chez Panisse
    Zuni Cafe
    Indonesia Restaurant
    Boston's North End Pizza
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    Kat's Sushi
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    Ebisu Catering Service
    Bubba Burgers
    The Eggberts
    Blossoming Lotus
    Hamura Saimin Stand
    Bob's Big Boy

    WHEW! I hope to have them done by year's end!

    Upcoming adventures

    San Francisco, CA

    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    London, UK
    Paris, France
    Chicago, IL
    Seoul, South Korea
    I won't be able to visit Korea this year.
    San Francisco, CA
    New Orleans, LA
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Shanghai, China

    Hopefully, some of you can provide me with recommendations for some good eats!

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December 08, 2005



Hi Reid - This place is real "high" on my list for my next visit "home". Hope your visit will keep it on my list.


WOW This looks so good. I found out my travel plans for going to Hawaii this month is a no go. I am so sad. :( So many dreams of meeting you and eating out like this place! *SIGH*

Mama BoK

Hey.. Reid,
They look yummy..!!
A wee bit high in prices.. no..??


Hi Kirk,

If you visit, you really must have the shrimp. It's some of the best shrimp I've had in a while.

BTW...the prices might seem high, but this is a gourmet plate lunch that's made with the best ingredients -- besides, it's always good to splurge a little right? It's like that over $10 burger I had at the Pineapple Room a couple of weeks ago.

Hi Milgwimper,

Oh no... =(

We would have had so much fun eating our way around town. *sigh*

Hi Mama BoK,

Long time no hear! Nice to see you back! =)

The prices here were a little high, but the quality of the food made it worth every bite. =)

clare eats

Now that looks GOOD!!!! YUM!!!!

I think it is false economy to scrimp a $1 or $2 for quantity over quality! I bet you were more satisfied (except for the lack of another 3 shrimp) than if the meal was no where as good!


Hi Reid, I can tell that this is the kind of place that I would love to go to. I love personable service and the food looks and sounds good (I am also the kind of person that might just ignore the higher price if the taste and service justify it). And that kalbi looks so delicious!


Food looks ONO! I agree with some of the other posters--personable service plus superior food makes for good value. =)


Those prawns look finger licking good. I always love places with great service as we don't see many around in Malaysia.


Hi Reid,
Oh my! I am dying for shrimps like those! Thanks and Aloha Friday :)


I absolutely MUST go here one day. I looooove poke!


I always wondered what it was like in there everytime I passed by... now I know, and I gotta visit here next time!


Hi Clare,

You are so right. In fact, I wish I had three more shrimp! =) They were that good.

Hi OsloFoodie,

I would visit more often if it weren't so far from where I live. It's not far by most standards, but I hate the 30 minute communte each way.

The kalbi, by the way, was excellent.


You definitely must try this place out the next time you're at home. If you didn't hear this already, Elmer used to work at Sam Choy's.

Hi boo_licious,

The prawns were good! In fact, they were so good, that I reallly wanted to go in and buy more!

Hi Lajja,

Long time no hear! =)

Happy Aloha Friday to you too. The more I look at the photos, the more I realize that maybe I need to visit again this weekend.

Hi Trisha,

You really must go there one day. I heard the poke is quite excellent.

Hi James,

You definitely need to pay Poke Stop a visit next time you're in town. If you do, I'd like to hear what you think.



Ever the optimist I believe one of these year I will get the wonderful chance to meet you and eat around the Island. This is just a temporary set back. :)


"I didn't get to taste any of this, even though I paid for it"

Do I sense some passive aggression here, Reid? :P

All joking aside, there is a lot to be said for paying a premium price for quality and service. I can make a parallel to Macintosh computers vs. Windows based computers. I own and use both, but after several years of owning a Mac, I now see that the added cost associated with them is for a good reason. Quality!

If you want quantity at a cheap price, go to L & L :)


Hi Milgwimper,

I hope so too....I'm kind of sad that you and DH aren't going to be visiting. *sigh*

Hi mr_me,

Long time no hear!

Yes! I didn't even get a bite of it. *sigh* It's OK. Next time, I'm going alone. =)

There is definitely a lot to be said about premium prices IF the food is good, like it is here. If the food is mediocre, then it's time to move on.

L&L? Only when it's the only game around.


Poke Stop has been on my "hit list" since it opened, and I *still* haven't made it out. I need to just get over the distance and GO.


Hi Alan,

Like you, I rarely get over to the Leeward side, except to go to Waikel. So Poke Stop was on my list for such a long time, that I finally had to just go already, especially since friends of mine from work have been talking about it.

I'm glad to have finally made it there, although I was sad that I didn't visit sooner.


Reid! This is an UNbelievable website! I will definitely try some of these places! Your reviews made me smile at your quick wit and eloquent style!


hi reid! =) ---ending up going here twice this week. the first time around, their daily specials looked too good to pass up (garlic ahi plate and a salmon burger with eggplant fries --- think eggplant tempura with a kick (cajun spices))... this evening, i got to try the shrimp plate - ono, but it's not a first date dish ;P (hard to eat it & stay neat)... their deep-fried calamari special, pansit, and spicy tuna were tasty too. i was tempted to have some of their coffee (they carry tully's) and homemade cheesecake (today they had CREAMSICLE cheesecake!). i actually thought the prices were pretty reasonable for a gourmet/seafood place - it reminded me of the now defunct okazuya section at dhm a couple of years ago & their prices were definitely higher. it's waipahu though, so i don't know if a place like that will thrive there... i hope they do. chef elmer & co. are talented AND really nice. it'll definitely be a stop for me whenever i'm on the west side =)

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