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Coming Up

  • Next on 'Ono Kine Grindz:

    The Wedding Cafe, Manoa

    Recently Consumed:

    Zaney's, Downtown Honolulu
    Bob's Bar-B-Que, Kalihi
    Restaurant Yamagen, Moili'ili

    Below you will find a never ending list of restaurants that I want to visit or re-visit:

    Young's Fish Market
    Alan Wong's Pineapple Room
    Cafe Sistina
    Indigo Eurasian Cuisine
    Yakiniku Toraji
    Sushi Masa
    Ono Hawaiian Foods
    Tsukuneya Robata Grill

    If you would like to give me a tip on a new restaurant that is opening up, or give me a recommendation on some of your favorite restaurants, please send an e-mail to:

    onokinegrindz (at) yahoo (dot) com

    The following posts should be completed someday (!):

    New Diner's Drive In
    Border Grill
    Penang Malaysian
    Chez Panisse
    Zuni Cafe
    Indonesia Restaurant
    Boston's North End Pizza
    Happy Inn
    Kat's Sushi
    Fritz's European Bakery
    Makino Chaya
    Singapore/Bangkok Posts
    Chin's Kahala
    Hata Restaurant
    Ebisu Catering Service
    Bubba Burgers
    The Eggberts
    Blossoming Lotus
    Hamura Saimin Stand
    Bob's Big Boy

    WHEW! I hope to have them done by year's end!

    Upcoming adventures

    San Francisco, CA

    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    London, UK
    Paris, France
    Chicago, IL
    Seoul, South Korea
    I won't be able to visit Korea this year.
    San Francisco, CA
    New Orleans, LA
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Shanghai, China

    Hopefully, some of you can provide me with recommendations for some good eats!

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« Glowing Dragon Seafood Restaurant | Main | Byron's Drive-In »

February 02, 2005



wow...the P-furs, Undertones AND Kraftwerk!

Not only do you have great taste in food, you also have awesome taste in music!

Not many people in Hawaii appreciate bands like the Undertones and Kraftwerk...for some strange reason (dont ask me why :P) I had you pegged for a "local music"/KSSK kind of guy!

I apologize :)


ha! i picked you because yours was the first food blog i ever read. *and* because i knew you liked the cocteau twins.

anyway, i didn't think it was a freakin' chain letter--i thought of it more like a slam book.


OMG Kraftwerk! And go the Furs! :P

And I love all the Harajuku-themed songs from Gwen. I keep wondering if she's a hit in Japan or if they just think she's a bit weird/patronising.


Hey Reid!

Cool list - way cooler than mine... But also a bit of a child of the 80s which is always an excellent thing in my book! Good on you for tagging Anthony - and by extension, me. Always good to take a teensy little break from food & eating! Btw, EoMEoTE roundup should be up tomorrow, come and check it out.


Nooooooooooo! I knew I was asking for it!

I was wondering how come it took you an hour to answer the Q's, but now that you've passed on the baton to me, I'm starting to rock back and forth nervously... :P

I'll post it up shortly...



You're right. It took me a while!


Eeek! I'll work on it today...


Hi mr_me,

Don't know where you've been hiding! =P

Seriously, I don't really listen to much Hawaiian music, never have. I actually listen to a lot of R&B, disco and 80s tunes. Those must be my favorites right now.

Thanks for the compliment on my taste in music...and food.

Hi Santos,

Wow! I never really knew that mine was the first blog you ever read. That's so interesting. =) Thank you. You must have caught me in my infancy because I think yours must have started at about the same time...didn't it?

Now, I don't think I was the only one who saw it as a chain letter though. I think there were others as well.

By the way, never heard of the term "slam" book. Quite interesting indeed.

Hi Jeanne,

Thank you so much for the compliment! =)

Yes, I am very much a product of the 80s. I can only guess that we are probably in the same age group, if not, we both have great taste in music. There were so many other songs that popped into my head after I finished this entry. Should I change some of the songs listed every few days or so? =P

Hi AG,

You certainly were asking for it. =)

I'm curious to see what it is you actually like. Although I didn't list them down, I really liked early INXS. Johnson's Aeroplane from "The Swing" is still one of my favorites. Good luck.

Hi Moira,

Good luck. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!


cocteau twins - what's not to like!?!? ;)


Hi Stef,

Oooh. I didn't know you were a Cocteau Twins fan too. =)


Yeah INXS rock! Not the same though without Michael. I'm a bit worried about this whole reality-TV-int'al-search-for-a-lead-singer biz tho'...


Hi Reid,

Thanks for the chain letter! It was a welcome distraction from food. :) But unlike AG, I didn't "ask for it". So what did I do to deserve it? :)


Hi AG,

Yeah, that definitely is strange! The band will never be the same.

Hi Julia,

I'm glad you had fun playing this game. =)

I picked you because of all the Singaporean sites that I visit on a regular basis, yours is the newest one (I think).

Besides, it's always nice to know something about people you've never met.

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks!


I can't believe I forgot to mention that about a few hours before I made that post, I tore open a brand new CD copy of Echo & The Bunnymen's "Songs to Learn and Sing" as well as the Cure 4-disc "Join the Dots" boxed-set (got them both for about $30 total from ...i thought it was another BMG music-club scam, but it's totally legit)

For some reason, in the past month, I've has a wierdo urge to relive my high-school fandom of 80's shoegazer bands


Hi Mr_Me,

I like that Echo and the Bunnymen disc, it was a compilation right? Don't know about that Cure set though. I really only liked their very early stuff. After that it got a bit too commercial. My favorite song is "Grinding Halt from "Three Imaginary Boys".


Yep, the Echo album is indeed a compilation, but an absolutely ace one (on par with "Louder Than Bombs", as far as compilation albums are concerned).

I am in total agreement with you regarding the Cure. I like thier earlier, more punk-y sounding stuff best. I start losing interest in thier work after "Head on the Door", although I've always felt that "Disintegration" is one of the best albums in rock history. The box set is all b-sides and rarities, and spans the entire spectrum of thier career.

I actually have a near-mint copy of Three Imaginary Boys on vinyl (the original pressing) that I bought for $2 at the Kaneohe "Savers" store over 10 years ago!


I did it! I finally did it!

I hope you're having a great vacation, Reid...


Hi Moira,

YAHOO! I'm having a wonderful time. Can't wait to read your list.

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