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  • Next on 'Ono Kine Grindz:

    The Wedding Cafe, Manoa

    Recently Consumed:

    Zaney's, Downtown Honolulu
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    Below you will find a never ending list of restaurants that I want to visit or re-visit:

    Young's Fish Market
    Alan Wong's Pineapple Room
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    Indigo Eurasian Cuisine
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    If you would like to give me a tip on a new restaurant that is opening up, or give me a recommendation on some of your favorite restaurants, please send an e-mail to:

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    The following posts should be completed someday (!):

    New Diner's Drive In
    Border Grill
    Penang Malaysian
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    WHEW! I hope to have them done by year's end!

    Upcoming adventures

    San Francisco, CA

    Sydney, NSW, Australia

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    I won't be able to visit Korea this year.
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    Hopefully, some of you can provide me with recommendations for some good eats!

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« Beard Papa's Cream Puffs | Main | Diem Café »

November 21, 2004



Reid - these sound fascinating - I have no idea what Chinese preserved plums taste like, though. You talk of a "sweet/salty/savory" flavor, which sounds good. I'll have to look for that powder - you've got me curious now!


Reid -- your shortbread creations sound absolutely devine! I only wish I could actually taste them...!

Thanks so much for participating in IMBB # 10!

Adam & Sara's Mom


I'm a regular reader of your blog. I really enjoy them. This recipe is calling out to me, but I have absolutely no idea when I can get the li hing mui powder. I live in Malaysia :) so I'm sure I'll find some, just have to do lots of asking.


Hi Cathy,

I'm not sure if you'll be able to find these there, but you might want to try with a store called Aji Ichiban, if you can find one in the Washington DC area. If not, I know they have an outlet in New York, somewhere in Chinatown. Li hing mui seeds come in different varieties. Some are a greyish color and are salty, others are reddish-orange and have a mix of sweet and salty flavors. I practically grew up on stuff like this. Good luck with finding this. If you can't I can send you some. Just send me an e-mail. It would be no trouble.

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for stopping by...and you're welcome. It's been a while since I've participated in an IMBB? event and since I was baking anyway... Well, who doesn't bake for the holidays right? Li hing mui is not a flavor that everyone will like, but I'm sure you'd like them or at least find them interesting. Thanks again for hosting!

Hi Adam & Sara's Mom,

Thanks for dropping by the blog! The cookie is actually quite nice and "tender" (for lack of a better word). It's not the type of hard shortbread. The li hing mui powder actually gives it a bit of a kick. If you can't find the powder, you can always use the whole seed to make your own powder. Just separate the "meat" from the seed, and grind to a fine powder. You will want to sift it to remove any large particles. Good luck and hope to see you again!


Hi Reid, long time no visit, and wow, I love your new look.

I've been eating all sorts of "muis" all my life, but this is the first time I've seen it in a cookie. Very creative. Bring some over to Singapore when you visit, please?


Hi Umami,

Long time no hear is right! =)

Sure, I'll bring some over when I come to Singapore, just as long as you make nasi ulam for me. =)

This shortbread was really nice, and the flavor of li hing mui is very strong. Those who don't like such a strong flavor can cut the li hing powder by about a third.


Hi Reid, this is one recipe I definitely have to try. I was a little confused initially because like umami says, we have all sorts of "mui". I think I figured out what "li hing mui" is after a little googling. It is the Chinese preserved plum powder that is most commonly added to sliced guava, the kind of mui favoured by pregnant women in our part of the world.


Hi ST,

Nice to see you again! If you do try this, let me know what you think. My suggestion is to start with less li hing mui powder and the sprinkle some on if you want more flavor. Good luck!

BTW...I've never had it with guava...good idea!


they look great. Is Chinese preserved plum anything like Japanese umeboshii?


hi reid... i love the redesign of your blog... the cookie recipe looks fabulous as well, though i can't say i can remember trying foods flavoured with li hi mui powder... another thing to investigate!


You're on! Let me know when you are coming and I will try to organise something with the other Singapore food bloggers.


Hmmmm Singapore's just up the road.


Hi Anthony,

No, li hing mui is not like Japanese umeboshi. Umeboshi is quite moist and juicy, whereas li hing mui are dried. Here's a link that shows a photo of what they actually look like:

However, there is a really good li hing mui snack that's available at this same link. It's called li hing ume, and it's actually a li hing mui seed swimming in ume flavored syrup. It's so good!

Hi Claudine,

Thanks for the compliment! I'm going to "freshen" up the look of my blog every now and then. I think the next time will be when this blog turns one!

There are actually tons of items sold here that are flavored with li hing mui. In addition to the items listed in my post, you can find li hing mui flavored gummi bears, arare (Japanese fried rice crackers), as well as wun tun chips. Take a look at the products available at this link. They have a shop near to my office and they are quite popular.

Hi Umami,

OK! =P You didn't forget about making me the nasi ulam then right? If everything goes as planned, I'll be Singapore in the middle of February 2005...I am so looking forward to it!

Hi Anthony,

Wouldn't mind stopping in Australia, if I had a choice....


I have to admit I've never been much of a preserved plum person... but this shortbread flavor combination sounds interesting, with the li hing mui powder helping to "lighten" the richness of the shortbread.


Hi Renee,

Long time no hear! You're exactly right. The li hing mui powder makes this shortbread a bit "savory" instead of rich and buttery. I've tried to make this many ways, and if you still want the buttery richness of the shortbread to come through, the best way to prepare this would be to sprinkle li hing mui powder on the cookies after they've been cut and are cooling instead of mixing it into the shortbread dough itself.


Aloha everyone. Li Hing Mui pwder can be found at the crack seed center website. I made this shortbread last night and it is delicious.


Hi Kaiuni,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the cookies!

Jim Willis

Just did a quick search for Mui as right now I am eating a bag of Obachan's Li Hing Mui. I always have loved mui becuase a bag will last you for a long time as you eat it in nibbles and rarely do I eat 2 at one sitting.. A snack the size of a big peanut that fills you up with just one! What a great little item to have in your backpack.

I can't wait to try out your recipe and give all of my fellow hapa howlie friends living in L.A. a taste....


Francisco Magdaraog


I Googled "li hing cooking" and you're on the first page. I look forward to trying this recipe. I can't get enough li hing.

I was trying to find a li hing recipe for a main dish, but alas couldn't. So, I ended up making one myself. There needs to be more li hing in this world...



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