Bubbies Homemade Ice Cream & Desserts
This past week the weather has been quite strange. One minute, there are thunder showers, the next minute, it's hot and humid. My body didn't know what to think. It's been a while since I've been to Bubbies, but I've been feeling in the mood for some ice cream so off I went....
Located near the University of Hawaii, this is probably the best known of all the locally owned and operated ice cream shops. The quality of the homemade ice cream can't be beat. Ice cream here is served by weight, so you can basically have a huge single scoop...or one that's not so huge. Check out the menu, there are so many different types of ice cream desserts that you can get.
See the freezer case to the left in the picture above? Inside it, you'll find ice cream cakes of all sorts, as well as some strangely named desserts, like "Hair by Daniel". Is that funny or what?
Bubbies is very well known for their mochi ice cream. A bite of rich homemade ice cream surrounded by sweet mochi, similar to daifuku mochi (mochi wrapped around sweet red bean paste). These little treats are bite sized, and they make the perfect snack. And no...you can't eat just one! I decided on a six pack (6 for US$5.30, or US$1.50 each).
In this take out container, I chose one of each of the following: azuki (azuki bean ice cream surrounded by pink mochi), green tea (green tea ice cream surrounded by green mochi), guava (guava ice cream surrounded by pink mochi), lychee (lychee ice cream surrounded by white mochi), passion fruit (passion fruit ice cream surrounded by orange mochi), sakura (vanilla ice cream surrounded by cherry blossom flavored mochi).
My favorite of all these flavors has got to be either the green tea or the sakura.
(Here's the inside of the green tea one.)
This was refreshing and delicious...and no, I didn't eat them all in one sitting! Although I could have!
Bubbies Homemade Ice Cream & Desserts
1010 University Avenue
Telephone: 808.949.8984
wahhhhh wished i could get them here... looked so super delicious. i've tried something similar before but dat was many many aeons ago!
Posted by: babe_kl | November 07, 2004 at 11:44 PM
ooh. guava. is it milky? i don't know why, the colder it gets here the more i crave ice cream.
Posted by: santos | November 07, 2004 at 11:57 PM
Reid, are you very very short or were you crouching to get a better look at that ladies derrier?
Posted by: pieman | November 08, 2004 at 12:21 AM
What does sakura taste like? After reading this, I have craving for mochi ice cream.
Posted by: ST | November 08, 2004 at 12:37 AM
Hi babe_kl,
This was(is) really good. In fact, I'm eating the passion fruit one right now. There are now a lot of companies that make mochi ice cream, but if I'm not mistaken, Bubbies was one of the first.
Hi Santos,
Yes, the guava flavor is ice cream, not sherbert. So it has that creamy flavor. I read an article somewhere that during the cold, people tend to crave cold things...like ice cream!
Hi pieman,
LOL! I'm short, but not hobbit-sized! I didn't realize that until you made a comment about the photo. I was actually trying to get the board and cases in focus.
Hi ST,
If you ask me, the sakura doesn't taste all that special. The mochi is supposed to be cherry blossom flavored, however, the flavor is very faint. The richness of the vanilla ice cream is basically all that you can taste...unless you eat the mochi and ice cream separately.
Posted by: Reid | November 08, 2004 at 06:34 PM
I'm gonna die.. reading yer blogs..!!! They are way too good.. and i can just imagine them on my tongue.. !! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! i'm gonna die..!!!
Posted by: MrsTweety | November 12, 2004 at 11:28 AM
Hi Mrs. Tweety,
If you'd like to try Bubbies mochi ice cream, you can order it from Gourmet Food Mall. Here's the link to the website.
It is a little bit pricy though...otherwise, you can always come to Hawaii and I'd be happy to take you out for some! =)
Posted by: Reid | November 12, 2004 at 01:47 PM
I was stationed in hawaii and the ice cream was very good, i wish it was everywhere else
Posted by: walter | March 25, 2011 at 08:38 AM