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Coming Up

  • Next on 'Ono Kine Grindz:

    The Wedding Cafe, Manoa

    Recently Consumed:

    Zaney's, Downtown Honolulu
    Bob's Bar-B-Que, Kalihi
    Restaurant Yamagen, Moili'ili

    Below you will find a never ending list of restaurants that I want to visit or re-visit:

    Young's Fish Market
    Alan Wong's Pineapple Room
    Cafe Sistina
    Indigo Eurasian Cuisine
    Yakiniku Toraji
    Sushi Masa
    Ono Hawaiian Foods
    Tsukuneya Robata Grill

    If you would like to give me a tip on a new restaurant that is opening up, or give me a recommendation on some of your favorite restaurants, please send an e-mail to:

    onokinegrindz (at) yahoo (dot) com

    The following posts should be completed someday (!):

    New Diner's Drive In
    Border Grill
    Penang Malaysian
    Chez Panisse
    Zuni Cafe
    Indonesia Restaurant
    Boston's North End Pizza
    Happy Inn
    Kat's Sushi
    Fritz's European Bakery
    Makino Chaya
    Singapore/Bangkok Posts
    Chin's Kahala
    Hata Restaurant
    Ebisu Catering Service
    Bubba Burgers
    The Eggberts
    Blossoming Lotus
    Hamura Saimin Stand
    Bob's Big Boy

    WHEW! I hope to have them done by year's end!

    Upcoming adventures

    San Francisco, CA

    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    London, UK
    Paris, France
    Chicago, IL
    Seoul, South Korea
    I won't be able to visit Korea this year.
    San Francisco, CA
    New Orleans, LA
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Shanghai, China

    Hopefully, some of you can provide me with recommendations for some good eats!

Blogs I Read

'Onolicious Archives


« Dew Drop Inn | Main | Palace Saimin »

May 02, 2004



wow, that is indeed quite a feast!

I like the look of the potatoes and the fish fritters... looks good!

I have to admit I'm not much of a Korean food fan... maybe because the few experiences I've had of the food have been less than stellar... maybe one day when I find a really good restaurant...
: )


before dieting, i used to eat korean food everyday at the company's cafeteria where two korean ladies set up their stall. we have a lot of korean staff onboard, so it's proving to be quite profitable as the locals also eat it.

having said that, i got FAT on korean rice. it's great compared to the local rice.


Renee, I've been told there aren't very many really good Korean restaurants in S'pore. A friend visited a while back and still talks about eating at Million Yakiniku which was an earlier post. When I asked what he wanted me to bring from Hawaii, he said See's chocolates and food from Million!

That said, I think there are as many Korean restaurants here as there are Chinese restaurants. Lots of fast food Korean places too! I can't think of one person here that doesn't eat Korean food!

Wena...perhaps the Korean rice you're used to eating is different than what they serve here. Unfortunately, the rice they serve here is generic Japanese-style long grain rice. =(


oh nooooooo.... See's chocolates!! REID!! thanks for reminding me, and starting a craving going : ( not fair! I want See's chocolates too! ; p
they used to have 2 stores in HK... but if not wrong, I think they've been shut... couldn't find them during my last trip to HK... (or maybe they just moved).


Renee...I have a thing for See's too, especially the dark chocolate confections. I'm not too much of a milk chocolate fan. My favorite there has got to be the dark honey nougat. =) Another thing that I need to bring huh?


Hi there

Wena sent me here of course :) Like to know that wun tun noodles look the same over in your Palace Saimin and over here in Malaysia, give or that some ingredients. And the Korean food. Hmm. I am reminded of how my other half just winces at the mention of kimchi. The only other food he won't touch. I don't mind Korean cuisine but I am still ever fond of sushi and sashimi. Good stuff you have here.


Hi Maya, I love sushi and sashimi too! =) Thanks for the you also have a blog?



Thanks for finding this, and your comment with the links to your blog entries are up on the comments. WOW, I like their banchan with the raw clams and crabs. Those are my favs! This seems more like a Korean restaurant than the yakiniku places I have been, but I am jealous Reid. I haven't found a place here that offers the raw clams as banchan! *cry*


Hi Milgwimper,

I've tried to eat raw seafood like this before, but it didn't agree with me, so now I just stay away.

If you and DH come here in December as you previously mentioned, I'll bring the two of you here for dinner. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!



Oh I am sorry that the raw seafood didn't agree with you. I hope we can come, I am so want to meet you! :D :)


Didn't agree with you? What was the topic of conversation? ;o)


Hi Milgwimper,

I'm looking forward to meeting you and DH as well.


LOL! By the way, can you come too? I'll introduce you to all my favorite Korean places. You can order the food mild if you want! =)


::looks grim:: HA! I wish! My 2nd grandbaby is due to be born the first week of January and it doesn't look like we will be around for that! Living here is a major financial burden even with Mike's salary. Anywhere else, we would be doing well, here, we can barely afford the rent... I'll be there vicariously through Mills though. She is such a great storyteller you'll get the chance to know me and I you.


Well I am still crossing fingers and toes (makes it hard to walk and cook you know) , and praying that we will be there in December! I wish Jo could go too, but I will take lots of pictures, and try to remember every details etc. so as to tell Jo, all about it, and Reid all about ok somethings about Jo...*wink*


Hi Jo,

Ahh well, maybe next time then huh?

Hi Milgwimper,

LOL! I'm hoping that you and DH have a chance to visit. Let me know once the plans are confirmed. Hopefully I'll be able to entertain you...I'll be very busy at work then. *sigh*


Hey, who knows, if our fast is successful, we might be able to afford a trip or two. If not, well, there's always the farm!


My wife and had had the same special on 12/29/07 for dinner...the price had gone up a was good but stick with the Yakiniku grill...they had a mixed grill special for the same price...better deal for the money as the tofu pot and fried fish were just okay and really wasn't worth the money.

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